The American Psychiatric Association

The APA is an organization of 38,000 psychiatric physicians and residents, dedicated to the health of Americans through integration of mental health with treatment of the entire patient. The organization is headquartered in Washington, DC, and is governed by a Board of Trustees.

The voting members of the Board consist of a President (Dan Borenstein's position from 2000 - 2001), a President-Elect, two Vice Presidents, a Secretary, a Treasurer, seven Area Trustees, two Trustees-at-Large, an Early Career Psychiatrist Trustee, a Member-in-Training Trustee and the three immediate Past Presidents. Other Past Presidents, a Member-in-Training Trustee-Elect, other Members-in-Training and representatives from under represented and/or minority groups participate as non-voting members.

You may learn more about the APA by going to their homepage.

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